Sunday 21 September 2014


pengertian pendidikan dalam bahasa inggris

hello guys, at this time i want to inform you about education. lets go. check this out !!!


education is a very necessary thing in today's times. without education, a country can not advance because people are still ignorant and backward. some of the many education experts who interpret the meaning of education. understanding given enough variety so that there is a difference depending on which angle it is looked at figures. by john dewey, education is the process of formation of fundamental skills to the intellectual and emotional nature and humans. whereas according to KH Dewantara, education is an effort to promote the development of character, mind and physical child. of some of the above references, it can be concluded that education is a conscious effort to realize a learning process so that the child can actively develop your own potential so as to have the spiritual strength of religious, noble character, self-control, intelligence and skills needed him and society. The destination of education is to eliminate all sources of suffering of the people is ignorance and backwardness. however, many children now deviate from the rules. resulting in problems such as fights, drugs, sex, etc. therefore, the required level of quality of education is better so that children are aware of the importance of friendship, the meaning of life and morals are able to help towards a better life.